9 Common Myths About Hummingbirds Debunked

Hummingbirds Don’t Migrate: Some people think hummingbirds stay in one place year-round, but many migrate long distances each year.

They Die If You Stop Feeding Them: Hummingbirds can find food from natural sources even if you stop refilling feeders.

They Only Drink Nectar: While nectar is a main part of their diet, hummingbirds also eat insects and spiders for protein.

Red Dye Is Necessary for Feeders: Adding red dye to nectar is harmful to hummingbirds and completely unnecessary.

They Never Perch: Though known for their constant flight, hummingbirds do perch and rest throughout the day.

They Are Always Aggressive: While territorial around feeders, hummingbirds can also coexist peacefully, especially in areas with abundant resources.

They Don’t Live Long: Despite their small size, hummingbirds can live up to 5 years or more in the wild.

Feeding Hummingbirds Prevents Migration: Hummingbirds will migrate when it's time, regardless of whether food is available.

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