Marigolds as a Natural Repellent: Marigolds are known to repel yellowjackets due to their strong, pungent scent.
Scent Deters Yellowjackets: The scent of marigolds is unpleasant to yellowjackets and other pests, discouraging them from nesting
Easy to Grow: Marigolds are low-maintenance and easy to grow, making them a convenient and effective addition to your garden
Versatile Planting Options: You can plant marigolds in flower beds, garden borders, or containers.
Non-Toxic Solution: Unlike chemical pesticides, marigolds provide a non-toxic, eco-friendly method to deter yellowjackets,
Attractive Blooms: While keeping yellowjackets away, marigolds also add vibrant color to your garden with their bright yellow
Long-Lasting Effects: Marigolds bloom throughout the summer and into the fall, providing consistent protection from yellowjackets during their most active months.
Companion Plant Benefits: In addition to repelling yellowjackets, marigolds also deter other pests like aphids and nematodes