Yoga Breathing Techniques for Better Mental Clarity

Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing involves inhaling deeply through the nose, allowing the abdomen to expand fully

Alternate Nostril Breathing balances the left and right sides of the brain, improves focus, and reduces mental clutter

Box Breathing involves inhaling, holding, exhaling, and pausing for equal counts (e.g., 4 counts each)

Ujjayi Breathing is characterized by a slight constriction of the throat, creating a soft, ocean-like sound during inhalation and exhalation. 

Kapalabhati involves rapid, forceful exhalations followed by passive inhalations. This energizing practice clears mental fog

Bhramari involves producing a humming sound while exhaling, similar to the sound of a bee. This technique calms the mind, reduces anxiety

3-Part Breath involves inhaling deeply into the belly, ribs, and chest, then exhaling completely. This technique increases lung capacity

Sama Vritti focuses on making the length of the inhale and exhale equal, such as inhaling for a count of 4 and exhaling for a count of 4

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